Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

6 months!

Porter is 6 months old!

I wrote this post right after he turned 6 months, but wanted to wait for his 6 month checkup to get his stats to post. We didn't do his 6 month check up until yesterday because he was sick with a bad cold and then we had to wait for the next available appointment. Welcome to the pediatrician during the summer months. I am quickly learning.

At his 6 month check up: (6 months 3 weeks and 2 days)
  • Weight - 16lbs 9oz - 25th percentile (We were not expecting this. He weighed 16lbs when we went to doc on March 26th. I was thinking at least 18lbs. I guess he's just more mobile now and burning up those calories. Doc said not to worry. He is right on track. I want my fat baby back : ( Yes, I do know he is still not a little guy.
  • Height: 26 inches - 25th percentile
  • Head: - 41.75 cm - 10th percentile (no big surprise)

6 month facts: 
  • Sweet baby got his first cold/cough at 6 months and 4 days old. Ran a low fever on and off for a couple of days, but stopped just as I was about to take him in. 
  • Wears 6 month, 6-9 month clothes and still some 3-6 months pajamas
  • Size 2 diapers
  • Started solids. Has had fresh green peas and avacado mixed with breast milk so far. Gobbled them up. 
  • Takes 6 oz every 4 hours. Eating baby food once a day for now around 11am
  • Still nursing or takes a pumped bottle. Has never had formula.
  • Still going down between 7 and 8pm and waking between 6:30 to 7:30am, with the occasional few.
  • 2 naps a day. First 2 naps range from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Has been staying awake after 3pm feeding until bed time.
  • Has said baba, mama a few times when he was fussing. Has said dada once when playing.
  • Isn't putting hands and fingers in his mouth as much as he used to.
  • Sitting up unsupported. Still loses his balance occasionally or throws himself back when he gets tired. I have been keeping pillows around him when playing.
  • Rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy. Rolls to the left and right. 
  • Loves to stand. He can stand with us holding just his hands for a little while. He hasn't really figured the jumping thing out yet. I put him in the jumpy, but  he just sways and jumps maybe once every few minutes for now.
  • Really likes his paci. I am regretting shoving it in his mouth so much. 
  • Likes bath time again. Tries to sit up in infant tub. I am thinking we are getting close to a big boy bath.
  • Smiles alot.
  • Starting to not want to be on his back. He used to love being on the changing table. He would just laugh and laugh. Now he just wants to roll and wiggle.
  • Wants to get into EVERYTHING. I pretty much can't do anything with him in my arms without holding his hands down.
  • Still has blue/grey eyes
  • Sweeeetest baby around

Monthly facebook post
Can't get enough of this touching my face 
 I had to squeeze P into a 3 month outfit for church one Sunday because it was freezing. Just a tad short but he looked just as cute as ever.
 What? my outfit is too short?
 That sweet hand
Those eyes get me every time
 Daddy and P loungin'
 He likes to sit and watch the Pais. He gets a real kick out of her these days. I mean belly laughs.
Before Porter was born, Paisley would somehow get our clothes out of our hamper and drag them to her bed when we left the house. She has now moved on from us to P. Makes me happy.
 Meme and Poppy doing their daily patty cake.
Sweet first mother's day gift from my boys. They walked in the room with Porter carrying my card. 
 Making P's food for the first time. He had a good mother's day too. His first meal was avocado. He did so good! We were going to buy the baby bullet but my sweet friend Kristen offered us hers to use. Thanks Kiki!
First bite, taking it all in. Not real sure.
I'm thinking he's liking it.
Happy camper! Of course daddy had to smear some on his face for fun.
 Mother's day brunch in Vicksburg
 Wiggle worm
End of 5 months..sitting up so big!
 Getting close to a big boy bath!
Poor sick baby : (
 It was hard to get a smile out of him for a couple of days. Bless him.
But got a few
 We made it through our first cold with no ear infection. Wooohoo!
 Silly boy
 New toy!

Porter had his 6 month session pics a couple of days after turning 6 months. I like to add something with sentimental value to each picture when I can. It just makes it more special that way.

This chair was Chris's grandparents on his Dad's side. He was so very close to them. I hate that I never got a chance to meet them before they passed. This was their chair. We had it recovered and it will forever be a part of our household.
I bought this wood plane for him before he was born. I found it at an antique store and fell in love. I have it on a shelf in his nursery for decoration and I am sure he will enjoy playing with it soon enough.
His GiGi crocheted him this blanket before he was born. We also used it in newborn pics.
My mother-in-law made Paisley this cool little vintage suitcase bed. I am in love with it and knew it would be perfect for a pic of the two of them. I have never let Pais lick anywhere near his face until these pictures. Glad I did. : )
I bought him this sweet little bunny before he was born as well. It also sits on a shelf in his nursery. It was another antique buy. I live for antique stores. Some may say it's feminine, but I love it.
Couldn't have pictures made without a professional one of this sweet girl

To end this post I wanted to brag on my little brother, Larkin.  He spent his spring break in Costa Rica. He went with a group to give free medical help to the people there in need. I always spent my spring breaks in Destin having fun. Very proud of him.
 Pretty cute if I may say so myself.
 He left for a study abroad a few weeks ago in New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. It looks like he is enjoying himself. Jealous much. : )

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