Porter is 7 months old!
This was the best I could get before....
7 month facts:
- Wears 6 month, 6-9 month clothes.
- Size 2 diapers
- Discovered 2 bottom teeth coming in at around 6.5 months
- Eating homemade baby food 3x a day. Started this a few days ago. We gradually worked our way up. We are doing all foods on 4 day schedule to rule out allergies. He will eat 1- 2 baby bullet servings depending on what it is. Since the last post he has had zucchini, yellow squash, apples, bananas, and pears, which are apparently the "safe foods". He has liked everything until he recently decided he didn't like squash. He puckers his lip out and literally has alligator tears when I try to make him eat it.
- Hasn't started any finger foods yet
- Still nursing or takes a pumped bottle. Takes 6 oz every 4 hours.
- Holding his bottle good. It makes me sad. He looks to old when he does this. I haven't introduced the sippy cup yet. I know I probably should, but again it makes him seem too old. Just give me another month : )
- Still going down between 7 and 8pm and waking between 6:30 to 7:30am, with the occasional few.
- 2 naps a day. Range from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Most of the time they are two hours.
- Sleeps on his stomach. Started around 6.5 months.
- Says "babababa" and "babamamababbaba" and some other crazy sounds. No dada yet.
- Rolls all over the place. I look away for 5 seconds and he is in a different spot on his play mat.
- Tries to get in quadruped. He gets his knees under him, but can't quite push himself up from there yet. He does this in his crib a lot. I like to watch it on the monitor.
- Jumping in the johnny jump some but mostly tries to walk in it.
- He is so weird at bath time. He can be smiling and giggling and as soon as I put him in the tub he looks like he is the most relaxed baby on the face of the earth. Doesn't really play, just chills. As soon as we get out and on the changing table he is laughing and playing again. hmmm.
- Doesn't take much to make him smile. He personally likes the word " boogies"
- Still has blue/grey eyes
- The love of my life
Looking so big : (
We had Tate's first birthday earlier this month. It was a nautical theme, which just happens to be one of my favorites! The party was perfect!
Birthday boy!
Sweet Rhodes
Fun, fun!
Chris was in and out of town this month working on the Baton Rouge store, but we made the best of it and tried to keep ourselves busy. P saw a lot of his friends, which means I was able to see mine as well. We all got together at Brittany's new crib to spend some time with Layla Belle while Meg was in town. We had a blast and Britt's house is beautiful! I can't believe we were able to get this pic. Ryder (Brittany's 3 year old) did a fantastic job photographing!
Splash pad! Rhodes, Swayze, Ryder and Porter
The Ainsworths moved to Montgomery, AL to open a Fleet Feet. We will miss them, but sure are excited for them and so glad we got to spend some time with sweet Emory before they left!
P and Charlotte. They are one week apart.
P and Tate
And this play date that never ends : )
Best Friends
We sit up in our rocker now.
Please take me out mom.
Daddy is home!!!!
We sure did miss him : )
A little drool "won't never hurt nobody".
On Memorial day he we got some crawfish and had a little family day outside. P had his first pool experience. He seemed to like it. One thing for sure is he was looking mighty cute.
Can't deal with the cuteness.
Hey mom let's see how fat we can look for the pic!
His hat was pushing his forehead down. He looks like a different baby. So funny.
Fun with PawPaw
Soo sewious
Dinner with the Agent family and their new addition, Charlie, at Soulshine. He's precious!
Not sure what P was doing there.
After shots. You can just see it in his eyes. Poor, sweet baby.
Chris scrubbed the upstairs front porch so we could go up and rock. Lets just say we found our "new spot" Rental house isn't so bad after all : )
Eats everything
This skwish toy keeps his attention for a while. Highly recommend it.
Thanks Aunt Abby for my Mickey onesie from Disney!
Lunch at Brent's with my boys.
Ready for a nap
I will never get enough of those sweet cheeks.
It's moments like these when I wish I could stop the clock.
I will end this post with some chunky goodness....
....and a little team spirit. GO DAWGS!!