Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, June 1, 2015


November is such a busy month for us. After Porter's birthday, we have our anniversary on the 21st and then, of course, Thanksgiving. Then crazy December. I'm not going to lie. I get a little stressed out starting in October.  

The days after Porter's 2nd flew by. One cute little experience happened while getting the oil changed. These two shared (aka Porter walked up to him and put his hand in the bag) a FULL bag of popcorn over conversation that didn't make much sense on Porter's behalf, but this sweet man acted like he understood it all. It's the little things people :)
Pre anniversary dinner pic
We celebrated at Anju
He decided his boots didn't freak him out to wear anymore, so we wore the heck out of them.
We celebrated Charlotte's second birthday at the Children's Museum
AND we got to see sweet friends from out of town. I don't think Miller was feeling P's hug.
P came with Mommy to work. What an experience that was. At least being an OT I have lots to entertain him with.
This is one cute little happy camper.
We started Thanksgiving Day at Aunt Caroline's house for lunch in Vicksburg.
Porter got in some good visiting with family and his Great grandmother, Ruth.
Then he got a little wild so we took it outside

Next stop, we went to Nana's house. By this point he was a maniac from no nap. 
We attempted many photos and took what we could get. I never thought I'd be over pictures, but I'm getting there.
Last stop, Grandaddy and GiGi's house. 
Last attempt of a posed photo was at home when I realized we didn't take a single family picture.  A family selfie it was. This memory thing is stressful sometimes. 
We had a wonderful yet tiresome Thanksgiving. Even though it is usually exhausting, it's still worth the visit. We feel blessed to have so much family. Porter also felt blessed to come home with this keyboard from GiGi.
The day after Thanksgiving we headed out to get a tree.  Maybe when we aren't renting anymore and I care about my house again we will get a tree from somewhere besides Lowe's. Until then, Lowe's it is.
This period of time was exceptionally hard with P. When we held him in a store or out and about he would force his way out of our arms and take off running. If the pictures look like he is smiling, don't be fooled. Glad to say we are now past that. 
Wild child. 
The ceiling slants where we put the tree. This will make the second year we forgot to measure the ceiling before going to get the tree. We played the guessing game and....
It was the shortest tree ever. Hilarious. It's nice not to care right now.
First year to help decorate the tree :). That hair though.
The moment I wait for every year. After the tree is all decorated, we sit down with the lights off and watch a Christmas movie. Coziest feeling ever.
She might have been short, but she turned out cute. At least Porter thought so.
The leaves in neighborhood are out of control. I like it though. I got this sweet little pic from Tita while I was at work.  They love a good walk.
We were a little late, but we finally got our two years shots. No rush for those icky things. He had his first dum dum. He didn't make a peep during shots because of that thing.  Apparently he couldn't use his right hand though due to the band aid from the finger prick. Kids are so funny.
I love this boy beyond belief
December, we are ready for you!